A guest post by the little dutch mouse called Anouk:)

Dutch cheese-one of the best in the worldLife in the Netherlands is quite great by itself (canals, thousands of cafes, museums,bicycles and what not), but what makes it better is cheese (kaas).  What makes it even better is that cheese goes incredibly well with a bottle of white wine. But about this in some other post…

Let’s start with the cheesy  facts first:

Facts about dutch cheese











Just these few facts prove that Netherlands is the cheese heaven. If you still don’t believe me, check out the video

Living here it is a must to know the dutch vocabulary to be able to order the right cheese according to your own taste preferences.

Cheese varietyDutch cheese variety

The most famous dutch cheese is Gouda (Goudse kaas) and Edam(Edammer kaas). However, there are  many more you could try:   Leidse kaas, Hollandse gatenkaas, Friese nagelkaas, Kruidenkaas, Geiten- en schapenkaas, Rookkaas, Smeerkaas. I am not a kaasverkoper (cheese specialist – yes, there are such people here), but I heard that the local cheese lovers choose Boerenkaas – a fresh local farmer’s type of cheese, made of raw, unpasteurized milk. Another interesting type you could taste is  unique grass cheese – Graskaas – don’t worry it is not made of grass. It is prepared with the the milk of the cows, which are fed  only with  young, fresh spring grass.  Oh, if you like strange things, try the green cheese made with pesto, it is delicious!

Hoe langer een kaas rijpt, hoe harder hij wordt – The longer a cheese matures,  the harder it becomes.


Stages of maturity of the Dutch cheese


Dutch vocabulary for cheese

Cheese goes well with mustard and jam

Slicing cheese

Characteristics of Dutch cheese

I think now you are absolutely prepared to go and choose the best dutch cheese out there. If you did not have enough of cheese, let me leave you with a great dutch saying:

 Ieder kaasje heeft zijn gaatje 

Literally it means ‘Every cheese has its hole’, used to express that we all have our flaws, meaning “nobody’s perfect’.

Variety of dutch cheese at the market stand at Albert Cuyp

Renting a place in the Netherlands – Vocabulary


Finding the perfect place for your new home in a foreign country without understanding the language can be quite a challenge. Two months ago when moving to the Netherlands with my husband and our dog I remembered a favorite quote of mine by Cesare Pavese “Traveling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and to lose sight of all that familiar comfort of home and friends.You are constantly off balance. Nothing is yours except the essential things: air, sleep, dreams, sea, the sky – all things tending towards the eternal or what we imagine of it.” Of course, there are a lot of useful expat rental guides out there and luckily most of the dutch professionals speak impressive English. But at the end of the day, it won’t hurt to know some dutch words and be better prepared when choosing your new home and signing a contract. If you don’t feel like learning them, do print them to have them handy while browsing the dutch rental websites. Good luck.

Let’s start with the most important terms:

  • de makelaar (pl.~s) – real estate agent
  • te koop – to buy
  • te huur – to rent
  • beschikbaar  – available
  • verkocht – sold
  • de vraagprijs – the asking price
  • de wijk (pl. wijken) – neighborhood, district
  • de buurt (pl. buurten) – neighborhood, area

to rent

Types of housing: (het soort – type)

  • het huis (pl. huizen) – house
  • het flatgebouw – apartment house
  • de flat (pl. flats)  = het appartement – apartment
  • de eenkamer/ tweekamerflat / de driekamerflat – a flat with 1/ 2/3 rooms
  • de eengezinswoning – a single-family home
  • vrijstaand – detached
  • twee onder een kap – semi-detached

Types of rental homes:

  • ongemeubileerd – unfurnished
  • gestoffeerd – partly furnished
  • gemeubileerd – fully furnished


Description (De beschrijving)

house in Amsterdam
the usual steep stairs in Amsterdam
  • de tekening – sketch
  • de bijzonderheden – the details
  • kenmerken – characteristics
  • de afmeting – size
  • de woonruimte – living space
  • de indeling  – the layout
  • het bouwjaar – date of construction
  • aantal kamers – quantity, number of rooms
  • aantal slaapkamers – number of bedrooms
  • de woonoppervlakte  – living area
  • de tuin (pl. tuinen) – garden
  • de verdieping de etage  – floor, level
  • de begane grond  – the ground floor
  • tuin en overige buitenruimtes – garden and other outside spaces
  • de lift – elevator
  • het balkon (pl. balkons)  balcony
  • de verwarming – heating
  • het dakterras – the deck ; the roof terrace
  • de parkeerplaats – parking lot
  • de kamer (pl. kamers) – room
  • de keuken (pl. keukens) – kitchen
  • de bijkeuken   – the pantry
  • de kinderkamer – kids room
  • de slaapkamer – bedroom
  • de woonkamer = de huiskamer – living room
  • het toilet – toilet (= de wc)
  • de badkamer – bathroom
  • de kelder (pl. kelders) – the basement (in the kelder)
  • de zolder (pl. zolders) – attic, ceiling (op de zolder)
  • de vliering (pl.-en) – attic
  • de trap (pl. trappen) stairs
  • de hal   – the lobby
  • de gang – the corridor

Renting (!! pay special attention to those)

  • de inventarislijst – the inventory list
  • de waarborgsom – deposit, guarantee
  • de inventaris – the inventory
  • de huurder – the tenant ; the renter
  • de verhuurder  – the landlord/ landlady
  • de huurprijs– the rental price (the rent)
  • de huurperiode – rental period
  • minimale huurperiode – minimum rental period
  • de ingangsdatum – the effective date (for the moving in)
  • de einddatum – end date, final date (moving out)
  • de periode van  – a period from
  • Betaalperiode – paying period

Going shopping for fruit today


Groenten en Vruchten in de Pijp
  • de appel – apple
  • de perzik (pl. perzikken)
  • de abrikoos (pl. abrikozen)   – apricot
  • de banaan (pl. bananen)  banana
  • de pruim (pl.~en) plum
  • gedroogde pruimen – dry plums
  • de citroen  – lemon
  • de limoen  – lime
  • de kiwi (pl. kiwi’s) – kiwi
  • de kokosnoot – coconut
  • de kers (pl. kersen)- cherry
  • de peer (pl.peren)  – pear
  • de sinaasappel (pl. ~s) – orange
  • de mandarijn – tangerine
  • de dadel – date
  • de grapefruit – grapefruit
  • de aardbei (pl.aardbeien ) – strawberry
  • de druif (pl. druiven) – grape
  • de rozijn – raisin
  • de vijg – fig
  • de ananas (pl. ananassen) – pineapple
  • de granaatappel – pomegranate
  • de pompelmoes – pomelo
  • kweepeer – quince
  • de rabarber – rhubarb
  • de watermeloen (pl.~en) – water melon
  • kantaloep – cantaloupe
  • de meloen – melon
  • de framboos (pl.frambozen) – raspberry
  • de braambes (pl.bramenbessen) – blackberry
  • de braam (pl.bramen) – blackberry
  • de bosbes (pl. bosbessen) – blueberry
  • de blauwe bes – blueberry
  • de aalbes – red currant
  • de kruisbes – gooseberry
  • de zwarte bes – blackcurrant
  • de guave  – guava
  • de papaja – papaya
  • kaki – persimmon
  • lychee – lychee
  • de mango (pl. mango’s) – mango

A fruit song to hear the pronounciation:)

Other useful words related to fruit:
rijp – ripe
groen, onrijpals fruit nog niet rijp is – green
bedorven – rotten, spoilt
gedroogd fruit – dry fruit
zoet – sweet
zuur – sour, acid
de Fruitsalade – fruit salad
met slagroom – with whipped cream
stukjes peer – pieces of pear
partjes mandarijn – pieces of tangerine

Here is a good recipe for a super zomerfruitsalade:



The world is a colorful place

De kleuren van de regenboog worden traditioneel benoemd als (van buiten naar binnen): rood , oranje , geel , groen , blauw , indigo en violet .

The colors of the rainbow are traditionally named (from the outside to the inside): red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Oranje is de kleur van Nederland – Orange is the color of the Netherlands.
The popularity of the color orange is related to Oranje, the name of the Dutch royal family.The relationship between orange and the Netherlands arose in resistance to Spanish dominance in the 16th century. The leader of the resistance,  William of Orange, is the “Father of the Fatherland” (Source: The Dutch, I presume)

All the colors you would ever need

Dutch tulips
Dutch tulips

bruin – brown
groen – green
limegroen – limegreen
oranje – orange
rood – red
blauw / indigo – blue
hemelsblauw – sky blue
turkoois – turquoise
wit – white
zwart – black
roze – pink
geel – yellow
violet – violet
lila – lilac, violet
parse – purple
grijs – grey


En maar – and more
zilver – silver
goud – gold
beige – beige
zwart-wit – black and white
licht – light (ex. lichtblauw – lightblue)
donker – dark (donkergroen – dark green)
veelkleurig – multicolored
eenkleurig – one-colored, monochrome
kleurenblind – colourblind
helder – bright, vivid
de tint / de nuance – tint, shade
de toon – hue, shade


de kleur (pl.~ en) – color
van – of
de regenboog (pl. de regenbogen) – rainbow
traditioneel – traditionally
benoemed – labeled
als – as
van buiten naar binnen – from the outside to the inside

Persoonlijke Gegevens

* Plural nouns in Dutch have the article “de” regardless whether the word starts with “de” or “het”in the Singular formtumblr_n68obv0bwt1qb63hdo1_1280 (1)

Persoonlijke Gegevens (personal information / лична информация)

  • het formulier (pl.~en) form / формуляр
  • de voorname (pl. ~n)  – first name / име
  • de achtername (pl. ~n) – family name / фамилия
  • de man – man / мъж
  • de vrouw – woman / жена
  • de geboortedatum (pl. de geboortedata) – date of birth / рождена дата
  • de geboorteplaats (pl. de geboorteplaatsen) – place of birth / рождено място
  • het adres (pl. ~sen) – address / адрес
  • de woonplaats (pl. ~en) – residence / местоживеене
  • het huisnummer (pl.~s) house number
  • het telefoonnummer (pl.-s) – telephone number / телефонен номер
  • telefoonnummer overdag – telephone number during the day / телефонен номер през деня
  • IBAN / bankrekening – bank account
  • het dienstverband – employment / работа, заетост
  • tijdelijk dienstverband  – temporary employment / временна заетост
  • vast dienstverband – permanent contract / постоянен договор
  • de werkgever – employer / работодател
  • de uitkering – social security
  • de e-mail (pl. -s) email
  • ondertekenen – to sign / подписвам
  • de handtekening (pl.~en) – signature / подпис
  • de leeftijd (pl. ~en) – age / възраст
  • het geslacht (pl. ~en) – gender / пол
  • mannelijk – male / мъжки (пол)
  • vrouwelijk – female / женски (пол)
  • de burgerlijke staat – marital status / семейно положение
  • in dienst zijn sinds – to be employed since / нает от
  • alleenstaand – single / необвързан
  • getrouwd = gehuwd – married / женен/омъжен
  • gescheiden – divorced / разведенde nationaliteit – nationality / националност
  • het vaderland – native country / родина
  • de moedertaal – mother language / роден език
  • Ik ga hiermee akkoord – I agree / Съгласен съм