10 Typical Dutch Expressions

by Gabriela Ivanova

Ten typical Dutch expressions that will serve you well when working with managers or when you are a one of them yourself.

  1. Komt het gelegen? – Is it convenient?

This is the very gentle way to opening the conversation with somebody who is busy. The other person might answer: Waar gaat het over?- What is it about?

  1. Stoor ik? – Am I disturbing you?

You are very polite when you use this question, when two or more people are talking and you have to interrupt. The other person might answer: Zeg het maar!- Go ahead!

  1. Je hebt gelijk! – You are right!

In order to express a belief that the other person is right and this gives you also an opening to modify the other person’s opinion, adding your own arguments: Je hebt gelijk, maar…- You are right, but…

  1. Afgesproken! – It is a deal!

In business people use it when they have made a serious deal in which both parties commitment is needed. This word is almost as much worth as the contract.

  1. Ik hoor het graag – I would like to hear it

Many people use this sentence to finish an email, when they want you to give a reply.

  1. Klopt dat?- Is that right?

Many people will end a question with this expression in order not to insult the other person in case the assumption it not right: Ik hoor dat je een andere baan zoekt, klopt dat?- I have heard you are looking for another job, is this right?

  1. Wat is er aan de hand? – What is the matter?
  1. Daar word ik niet blij van – I am not getting any kicks out of it

Executives and all other person who need to express themselves very diplomatically, use this phrase to express that they do not really agree with a situation.

  1. Daar zitten wij niet op te wachten – We are not waiting for this

The phrase implies that you are not happy with it.

  1. Dat is koffiedik kijken- This is like studying coffee grounds

This phrase will help you to reject a plan that makes you feel uncertain. You would say also: I haven’t got a crystal ball.

Vermogen – ability

uitblinken – to outshine, to exceed / blink uit – blonk uit – uitgeblonken/
het vermogen – ability, capacity

doen wat in je vermogen ligt – do what you can
naar mijn beste vermogen (=zo goed als ik kan) – to my best ability
veel vermogen – to be able to do much
niets vermogen tegen – be powerless against
verstandelijke vermogens– intellectual faculties
op vol vermogen – at full power
een dikke pil (=een dik boek) – thick book

een boek in één keer uitlezen – to read out a book in one go
Ik lees graag, zowel fictie als non-fictie. – I like reading , both fiction and non-fiction.