Amazing Community for Dutch Learning

Hey everyone,
I joined a great community with lots of native speakers passionate about helping us to improve our conversational Dutch skills.It is called Bucket Buddies learn Dutch:
I recommend that you join them and share with them any sentence, word or situation you need help with right now! I know I will.
We all struggle speaking Dutch to Dutch people because of lack of confidence or of fear to make mistakes, so I am happy to see that there is a safe community where we could get help with Dutch for free from native speakers. Feel free to share the group with other expats!  Hope to see you there!

Speak Dutch Booklet to download

Check out and download for free the *Citywordhunt Speak Dutch Booklet* here:
Topic: Ordering food and drinks in Dutch. Easy to print and carry around with you. I thought it would be useful to collect these phrases in one place.If you find it helpful,show some love by liking it/ sharing it so that we can reach more Dutch learners.
If you can think of any phrases which are missing, please respond in the comments below and I will add them to the booklet. Happy Dutch speaking:))


Last month for the Dutch course at UvA everyone had to prepare and deliver a short presentation in Dutch. My presentation was about mindfulness (the word in Dutch is aandacht, but the english word mindfulness is more frequently used). I am truly interested and fascinated with mindfulness, despite the fact that it is extremely difficult, if not impossible for me to achieve it:) Research has shown that mindfulness has an incredible effect on mental health: it boosts memory, verbal reasoning and reading comprehension skills – precisely what we need to learn Dutch quickly:)

To learn more about mindfulness in Dutch, listen to:,%20introductie.mp3

Vaak functioneren we in ons dagelijkse leven op de automatische piloot. We zijn er niet echt bewust van wat we denken, voelen en doen. Mindfulness is de sleutel tot het hier-en-nu. Waar je aandacht is, daar ben je. We zijn wat we denken.

Often we function in our daily lives on autopilot. We are not really aware of what we think, feel and do. Mindfulness is the key to the here-and-now. Where your attention is, there you are. We are what we think.

Een mindfulness meditatie oefening: Bodyscan

Daily Dutch Dose – making a mistake

  •  de fout – 1. flaw, defect 2. mistake
  • fout maken – make a mistakeUseful Dutch expressions and phrases translated in English
  • spellingfout – spelling mistake
  • fout (adj)  wrong, incorrect
  • het foute antwoord – the wrong answer
  • een foute beslissing – a wrong decision
  • That antwoord is verkeerd. – This answer is wrong
  • Goed en fout/verkeerd – right and wrong

For a person to be mistaken: Jij hebt gelijk en ik heb ongelijk – You are right and I am wrong
zich vergissen – be mistaken, make a mistake
Ik heb me vergist  – I was wrong
de vergissing – mistake